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step of the roadmap YOU are at!
step of the roadmap YOU are at!
Did You Know There's Seven Steps to Mastering the $10K Month™? Which Step Are You At?
There are 7 Steps to Mastering the $10K Month™ that will guide you along your coaching journey.
All coaches go, and grow through, each step.
Yes, this is a sequential journey, and each step is critical in your coaching business' success.
By making sure that you are aware of where in the journey you are, you can make sure you don't skip any important step, in this way giving your business the strong foundation it needs to succeed.
Are you struggling to make a consistent $10k a month? Then you're probably in Steps 1-5. You're either an Ideator, Secret Agent, Mad Scientist, or Rockstar.
You're already at consistent $10k months, and you want to break your next milestone? Then you're probably perfecting Step 5, and now focused on Steps 6 & 7.
Learn more about each step and step archetype below!
All coaches go, and grow through, each step.
Yes, this is a sequential journey, and each step is critical in your coaching business' success.
By making sure that you are aware of where in the journey you are, you can make sure you don't skip any important step, in this way giving your business the strong foundation it needs to succeed.
Are you struggling to make a consistent $10k a month? Then you're probably in Steps 1-5. You're either an Ideator, Secret Agent, Mad Scientist, or Rockstar.
You're already at consistent $10k months, and you want to break your next milestone? Then you're probably perfecting Step 5, and now focused on Steps 6 & 7.
Learn more about each step and step archetype below!
Each Archetype Belongs to a Step in Coaches' Development - There are Seven Steps You'll Go Through as You Work to Reach the last step... the Magnate Step
There are 7 Steps to Mastering the $10K Month™ and each coincides with a step archetype™.
We all go, and grow through, each step. Yes, this is a sequential journey, and each step is critical in your business success.
By making sure that you are aware of where in the journey you are, you can make sure you don't skip any important steps, in this way giving your business the strong foundation it needs to succeed.
Are you struggling to make a consistent $10k a month? Then you're probably in Steps 1-5. You're either an Ideator, Secret Agent, Mad Scientist, or Rockstar.
You're already at consistent $10k months, and you want to break your next milestone? Then you're probably perfecting Step 5, and now focused on Steps 6 & 7.
Learn more about each archetype, and each step below!
We all go, and grow through, each step. Yes, this is a sequential journey, and each step is critical in your business success.
By making sure that you are aware of where in the journey you are, you can make sure you don't skip any important steps, in this way giving your business the strong foundation it needs to succeed.
Are you struggling to make a consistent $10k a month? Then you're probably in Steps 1-5. You're either an Ideator, Secret Agent, Mad Scientist, or Rockstar.
You're already at consistent $10k months, and you want to break your next milestone? Then you're probably perfecting Step 5, and now focused on Steps 6 & 7.
Learn more about each archetype, and each step below!
Find out at what step, and what archetype, YOU are!
Learn more about your step & archetype below!
Click on yours, or if you don't know, take our quiz here!
The 7 Steps & Archetypes
You're the ideator - you are brimming with ideas, excitement and energy. You might have be full of ideas, of have found the idea that you know is going to be it!
Welcome to the world of entrepreneurship! You are about to embark on the most incredible, challenging, and life-changing experience of your life. And, if you do this from a place of seeking to serve, you will also touch and improve the lives of hundreds, thousands, or even tens-of-millions of people on this planet. Welcome to the ranks of the entrepreneurs! As you know, you're a person on a mission - you know your meant for something big, you're full of ideas, a clear vision of your potential future, and you're fired up to take action! However, you're not sure exactly where to begin, how to get started, select your niche, customer avatar, how to do branding, sales...and you feel overwhelmed, and a little bit lost 😓. You might feel like it would be helpful to have a little bit of guidance... Remember, every authority in their industry had a Day One, and so do you. The task ahead might seem huge, but remember - how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. However, let's share with you some things that you should know about your Step in the journey. You're currently an ideator - this means you're in Step one. If there were a map of the journey you're going to embark, it would look a little something like this: StepWhat do you need to know about the Ideator Step?
At this Step, you need to make sure that you're clear as to the type of business you want to create, and that you're building a business that will allow you to also create your best life. You need to have clarity as to the kind of life you want your business to help you build, and to do so you want to complete the ELMIS assessment. ELMIS stands for - Expertise, Lifestyle, Money, Impact, and Strengths here. These five elements will guide you in creating a life that is a masterpiece, and having a business that allows you to live this life. If you want to learn more about ELMIS, you can sign up for this Client Attraction Masterclass here. Often, at this Step we see people who have an idea for a product or service that they believe is IT! They know that if they create something incredible people will be lining up at their online or offline storefront to buy all the things. The reality is actually very different. If you build it, they won't come. You need to follow the 7 Steps to 6 & 7+ Figure Success in business, that we discuss here, to make sure that you build your business upon foundations of success. There's a great quote we love that says "People are often running enthusiastically in the wrong direction" At this Step of the business journey, we often meet people who are dead set on their idea and won't be moved. We want to caution against this thinking, and ask you to consider a new perspective: are you here to be a product/service builder OR are you here to create a powerful and profitable business that changes lives? If it's the latter, we'd love to work with you and help you along your journey! If it's the former, and you just want to create a product, or you watched a webinar that told you to create an online course, or a mastermind, we want you to understand that these two are very different. Being a profitable, successful business owner means being committed to creating a profitable business AND being flexible about the best way to serve your target market. So it's not a matter of starting with the idea, but who you're serving and the best, most impactful, and profitable way to do so. After building out your north star, and knowing WHY you're building your business and the life it will allow you to live, and the impact you'll make, then you'll move to Step 2, the Secret Agent Step - possibly, the most important to your profitability of all the Steps! If you want to learn more about how to create a successful, profitable business make sure to check out our FREE Mini-Masterclass here. From here on, it will just a matter of following The The 7 Steps of Online Success™, and as simple as following the yellow-brick road... or going from Ideator™ to Secret Agent™, Mad Scientist™, Rockstar™, Closer™, Conductor™, and finally arriving at Magnate™! |
StepYou're the Secret Agent - this is actually probably the most critical Step of your business journey, and depending on your business idea, and the reconnaissance (market research and assessments) that is done in this Step, will mean either success or lots of frustration and lack of sales in the coming months and years.
This Step is make-it or break-it for so many entrepreneurs. Some entrepreneurs will master this, and very quickly accelerate to 6 and 7+ figures, and others get stuck here for months or years, and some ultimately go out of business because they didn't master this key Step. The 7 Steps are sequential, you must master one at a time, and this Step is of utmost importance to the future of your profitability. At this point, you've started on your business. You may not have any sales yet, but you've started to work on your business. Maybe your idea is to start an online course, subscription program, to create a group-program or 1-1 offering, private mastermind, high end retreats... and you're no longer just thinking about this, you've started to take action. Sometimes, you wonder if you're doing this right - it's not totally obvious how you're going to make money consistently, enough to sustain a business that will allow you to do this full time. Maybe you've made a few sales, and it's possible your sales came from friends and family - people that already know you, but you just don't know what real 6-figure and 7-figure success looks like in your space, and you sometimes feel a little low with the lack of results. Finding clients might feel like pulling teeth, and while you know that this can be done, you often wonder HOW to do this exactly 😔... Don't worry, many of the things you're experiencing are totally normal, and you're not alone. You're currently in Step 2 of the The 7 Steps of Online Success™, and at this point it's a matter of following instructions for Step 2 (which are super, super, super important), and then continuing through Steps 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 to becoming a business magnate! At Your Step, People Either Make it and Accelerate to Profit and Impact very quickly... or they get stuck at frustration, lack of sales, and disappointment, sometimes for years.
Okay, we don't mean to scare you, however this is the most important Step your business could be at. As we mentioned above, this is make it or break it. The good news is, you can spend a few weeks here, rather than months or years, and follow the advice from the right business mentors for your business (we're happy to chat with you about your concrete next steps), and accelerate to profit and impact in weeks to months, OR you can potentially get stuck here for months to year, struggling to make money. Fortunately, this doesn't have to be you! If you have been working on your business now for months and years, and you feel like you're just spinning your wheels, and finding clients feels like an impossible feat, it's because you got stuck at Step 2. The good news is you can get unstuck if you are willing to adjust your methods! At this Step, it's critical that you clarify your client avatar, market, problem, and where to start finding hundreds/ thousands / tens-of-thousands/ hundreds-of-thousands of your dream clients. It's critical to make sure you're building a business that makes multiple thousands of dollars a month from Day 1. You'll need to study the market to create your custom success profit plan and make sure that whatever offer you create will actually make money from the beginning. If you want to learn more about how to create a successful, profitable business from day make sure to check out our FREE Mini-Masterclass here or, if you want even more training, checkout our 3-Day Client Attraction Masterclass here. If you're wondering HOW you succeed, know that there are 7 Step to becoming a profitable and impactful entrepreneur, and you're at Step 2 - which is a critical place to be! From now on, to build a powerful, profitable, and impactful business it's just a matter of following The 7 Steps of Online Success™, and as simple as following the yellow-brick road... or going from Ideator™ to Secret Agent™, Mad Scientist™, Rockstar™, Closer™, Conductor™, and finally arriving at Magnate™! Sign up for a complimentary business strategy call with our team to find out what concrete next steps are most important for YOUR business now. |
You've done the hard part- you've clarified your client avatar, market, problem, and where to start finding hundreds/ thousands of your dream clients.
Now, in the Mad Scientist Step, you are getting down to business. You figured out your profitable business roadmap, and it's time to roll up our sleeves and build, build, build! At this Step you will be creating your offers, your business intellectual property, focus on personal and business positioning, pricing strategies and be totally ready to take on clients at multiple pricing tiers. Woo hoo! This is such a creative and fun Step - you're like a mad scientist in her lab seeing the best way to get the result you're after. It will be hard work, and there will be many iterations, but this is work that can't be skipped, just like the last Step (the Secret Agent), this Step is critical to success in the future. At High Ticket Client we teach our clients and students to lead with Value, Trust, and Relationship - the key word here, being TRUST. One of the things that will set you up to be more successful than others in your space will be your ability to build TRUST at every step of the way, and to earn that trust, with your potential clients and your current clients. How do you build trust? The majority of this will be built in Steps 3 and 4. Step 3 and 4 are about creating your programs, packages, defining your offers, creating sales converting names for your offers and consultations, setting the right pricing for your offers, and creating your intellectual property that will defend your business...AND allow it to grow nationally and internationally safely in later Steps.
You could spend weeks, months, or years here, which is why strongly encourage you to hire a business coach that can guide you along this journey. Want to have us as your coaches, we'd love to chat with you and see if we might be a good fit for each other. Sign up for a personalized business success diagnostic here! By mastering Step 2 and 3, you will radically increase your probability of building a profitable business from day one. Otherwise, you will find yourself amongst the hundreds of thousands of people that had an idea that they were never able to get off the ground, or throngs of business owners that started their business but either never made money, or just struggled to become profitable year after year. The good thing here is we're not dealing with rocket science, there are principles for profitability, and the science of business building, that you must master to really command the space of business building. Let us help. If you were aiming to go to the olympics for a sport, say gymnastics, would you say "alright...I'm just going to read a book about gymnastics and I think I'll just try my luck, and it'll be very likely I'll go to the olympics!"? Of course not, you wouldn't say that. So, why is your goal to get to 6 and 7 figures any different? The best of the best always have coaches, and if the best know to have a coach, shouldn't you also give yourself the gift of a support network? Remember, we're here to support you on your business building path. At the Mad Scientist Step, as we've talked about, you're building the foundations of your business that will allow people to trust you and say HELL YES to all your offerings again and again! After mastering this Step, you will learn how to create and successfully offer a $2,000, $5,000 or $20,000 program, and have people say "wow, that's an incredible opportunity - how can I start working with you?!" If you want to learn a bit more about Step 3, sign up for our FREE Masterclass here OR if you're looking for something a bit more serious, sign up for our 3-Day Client Attraction Masterclass here.
If you're wondering HOW you succeed, know that there are 7 Steps to becoming a profitable and impactful entrepreneur, and you're at Step 3 - which is a critical place to be! From now on, to build a powerful, profitable, and impactful business it's just a matter of following The 7 Steps of Online Success™, and as simple as following the yellow-brick road... or going from Ideator™ to Secret Agent™, Mad Scientist™, Rockstar™, Closer™, Conductor™, and finally arriving at Magnate™! |
stepAt this point you've created your offers, your business intellectual property, rocked your personal and business positioning, pricing strategies and are totally ready to take on clients at multiple pricing tiers. Woo hoo!
Warning: If for whatever reason you don't feel SUPER confident with the business milestones mentioned above ☝️, do not continue on. Continuing on without mastering Step 2 and 3 will mean weeks, months or even years, of feeling like you're spinning your wheels, $$$$ going down the drain, and "not knowing why you just can't find clients" who want to buy your products and services. One should only continue to Step 4, the Rockstar Step, if they are ready to do so. If you want to have a better idea if you're here yet, set up a personalized business success call today. Now, that you have built out offers that you KNOW the world wants and is excited to pay for, the main thing you're working on is VISIBILITY! That is why you're in the Rockstar Step, we want you to be at all the right places, looking like a million bucks, saying the right things, and making money every day! We want to take you into the makeup trailer (metaphorically of course) and create or spruce your branding up so you look like the badass that you are, and everyone can trust you because of the way you present yourself online and offline. We don't want people asking your for discounts, or seeing you as just one of many in your space...no, you want to stand out, be one of a kind, and charge like the best. At this point your branding is critical, and the difference between you charging $200 or $2000 for a product/service, and people not questioning your gravitas and authority, will be based on your ability to brand and market yourself powerfully. You have to look the part, and you have to know where your business needs to have a presence online and offline and become a magnet for your ideal clients. We want people flocking to you based on your online presence and marketing strategy. In this Step you'll be deciding what social media platforms you need to be on, you'll finalize and implement your branding strategy, you will have applied Color Sales Theory™ so you know what colors are right for your business, your website is ready to go and is primed for sales conversions, your lead magnets will be created and unleashed in the world to start converting to sales, you'll create your online community hubs, your email list is prepped and receiving new people every day, you're content strategy for your list is set and converting to consultations and sales, you'll know what to post in terms of content that converts on social media and online generally, you'll implement Nurture Marketing techniques, you'll decide on if you need a Youtube Channel, Podcast, Blog, etc, you'll start building sales converting funnels.... and you'll look and feel like like a million bucks! Phew!! That's quite a bit we're doing in Step 4 right? I just want to remind you, you can't go straight to this step, please save yourself months to years, and LOTS of money, and master Steps 2 and 3 first. We work with too many business owners that were told by big name gurus to go straight to building funnels, and FB Ads, creating podcasts, online courses, etc...and in the end they have products, but no sales. Read our blog on not being a product pusher here. We've covered quite a bit, we really encourage you to have guidance as you build your business. In business what you don't know can hurt you. The good thing here is we're not dealing with rocket science, there are principles for profitability, and the science of business building, that you must master to really command the space of business building. Let us help. If you were aiming to go to the olympics for a sport, say gymnastics, would you say "alright...I'm just going to read a book about gymnastics and I think I'll just try my luck, and it'll be very likely I'll go to the olympics!"? Of course not, you wouldn't say that. So, why is your goal to get to 6 and 7 figures any different? The best of the best always have coaches, and if the best know to have a coach, shouldn't you also give yourself the gift of a support network? Remember, we're here to support you on your business building path. At the Rockstar Step, branding and your powerful online presence is everything.
This is how you go from being a tugboat, trying desperately to find clients in a stormy sea ... to becoming a powerful Lighthouse, and have clients flock to you (and be excited to pay you lots of $$$) If you're wondering HOW you succeed, know that there are 7 Steps to becoming a profitable and impactful entrepreneur, and you're at Step 4 - which is a critical place to be! From now on, to build a powerful, profitable, and impactful business it's just a matter of following The 7 Steps of Online Success™, and as simple as following the yellow-brick road... or going from Ideator™ to Secret Agent™, Mad Scientist™, Rockstar™, Closer™, Conductor™, and finally arriving at Magnate™! ) |
At this point you've mastered branding and people are flocking to your business - way 👏 to 👏 go👏!! You've decided what social media platforms you need to be on, you've literally had a makeover for your business, your website is done and converting leads, your email list is growing daily and your list is engaged, and you're looking like a million bucks!
Now, it's all about closing them sales, baby! At this Step you need to prioritize sales all day every day. You have great offers that basically sell themselves, you stand out in your market and look like a millions bucks, you know what to post on social media for clients to flock to you, and now you are focused on your sales metrics and results. Now, it's all about your sales systems. At this point, you might fall under one of two camps, either you already have sales experience and you LOVE sales or...you're more like Luz when she started selling programs, and you literally break out in tears when it's time to jump on a sales call (now Luz loves sales calls and rocks at them...and you can too!). If you're in camp 2, the camp where the thought of a sales call brings up anxiety and your heart starts racing, don't worry, you're not alone and you can master this skill. It is a skill. Great sales people are not born, they are made, and there are processes and systems we teach for you to master sales once and for all. At this point, you might feel like you're not really sure what you're doing, what you're supposed to be doing, and how to make this whole experience better. You don't look forward to sales calls, you don't want to feel "salesy" and icky, and this feels like it's the main bottleneck of your business... but fret not, we're here to guide you to total sales mastery with our High Integrity Sales System™! Now, if you're in camp 2, you loveeee sales, your daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly sales metrics are the main focus, and you're working on perfecting your sales scripts and systems. It's not just about loving sales, it also has to be about mastering the systems behind great sales organizations. If you need support with sales systems, we also got you! At this point, regardless of if you're in camp 1 or 2, you should be focusing on mastering the sales call flow, sales closes, objection handling (what we call Standing For Your Client™), and diligently tracking your sales conversions (or creating systems to make sure you're a master of this). You need to become a master of your numbers as it pertains to conversions from online outbound, inbound, and you should have more and more data that allows you to refine your sales calls and presentations. Once you get comfortable with, and begin to master (or fully master) sales, you are starting to feel more and more comfortable in your ability to close, objection handle, you are excited about inviting people on sales calls, and your monthly revenue systematically keeps increasing! Way to go! You're in Step 5 of the The 7 Steps of Online Success™, and at this point it's just a matter of following instructions for Step 5, and then continuing through Steps 6, and 7! Easy peasy (just join one of our many programs to support you along the way)!
At the Closer Step, it's all about sales metrics, key activities, systems, and optimizing on what converts to sales - thus making you a more profitable and impactful business. If you're wondering HOW you succeed, know that there are 7 Steps to becoming a profitable and impactful entrepreneur, and you're at Step 5 - which is a critical place to be! From now on, to build a powerful, profitable, and impactful business it's just a matter of following The 7 Steps of Online Success™, and as simple as following the yellow-brick road... or going from Ideator™ to Secret Agent™, Mad Scientist™, Rockstar™, Closer™, Conductor™, and finally arriving at Magnate™! |
At this point you've mastered branding and people are flocking to your business AND you are closing like a master - way 👏 to 👏 go👏!!
At this Step, you've entered the growth Steps: Steps 6 and 7. You've truly mastered branding and sales, and now it's time to really focus on creating more systems, starting to onboard team members so it's no longer just you running the show, prioritizing partnerships, affiliate programs, referral systems, and you're making sure that you're building out even more offers that best serve your clients. At this point you are building and perfecting funnels, optimizing all your sales systems to create a truly formidable sales and business machine. At this step you're consistently, and predictably, making anywhere from $5-$20k+ and now you're focusing more on the productization of your business. You're looking at lower tier offerings, and more complex funnels, to really serve people at every level, while having core high tier offerings that fly off the shelves whenever you want to bring a new client in! Since you're selling consistently, now it's time to focus on growing your team - to be the conductor of your orchestra. Maybe you start thinking of bringing on interns, a VA, or a sales team. At this point, your focus is really understanding what is working and duplicating your efforts through team-members and technology, so you can move much faster in a much shorter amount of time. The other key word at this step is leverage. Leverage through people, systems, and technology- so start really focusing on your business key partnerships. You're in Step 6 of the The 7 Steps of Online Success™, and at this point it's just a matter of following instructions for Step 6 and then continuing through Step 7! Easy peasy! (just join one of our many programs to support you along the way)
At the Conductor Step, it's all about delegation, creating fulfillment systems, and duplicating yourself so you can exponentially reach more people. If you're wondering HOW you succeed, know that there are 7 Steps to becoming a profitable and impactful entrepreneur, and you're at Step 6 - which is a critical place to be! From now on, to build a powerful, profitable, and impactful business it's just a matter of following The 7 Steps of Online Success™, and as simple as following the yellow-brick road... or going from Ideator™ to Secret Agent™, Mad Scientist™, Rockstar™, Closer™, Conductor™, and finally arriving at Magnate™! |
At this step of your business journey you've truly mastered branding and sales, and you've duplicated your efforts through brining on a team of interns, a VA, or a sales team that is consistently getting results! Way 👏 to 👏 go👏!!
At this point, your focus is systems, scaling, and exponential growth. You're focused on making sure your business makes money while you sleep. We now want to grow, grow, grow you on autopilot! We are talking having a focus on Facebook, Youtube, TikTok etc, ads so you can expand exponentially what works. You already know what works in terms of seamlessly selling your programs (this is key, if you don't know how to sell seamlessly yet, you have to go back to previous steps), and now your focus is on expanding what works. You know your client avatar inside out, you know their fears and aspirations, and you know exactly how to communicate that through copy or on video, and you sell like the best of them. Now we're taking your sales systems and selling to dozens, hundreds, and thousands, tens-of-thousands at once. Your focus now is on getting on as many steps, podcasts, on any and all media, to exponentially expand the reach of your message and offerings. Your focus is to have hundreds to thousands of people join your sales webinars, join your low-tier offerings, have your low to mid level offers sell themselves, and have your sales team consistently sell at the high tier level. At this point your creating systems for selling through joint ventures and partnerships - you're consistently thinking of leverage and exponential strategies. Because of all your Exponential Systems™, you now consistently makes sales while you sleep, or while you're at the beach sipping something fruity. You are recognized as a force to be reckoned with in your industry, and the only way is up from here! Your focus is on breaking that 7 or 8+ figure mark, and you can almost taste it! You're in Step 7 of the The 7 Steps of Online Success™, and at this point it's just a matter of following instructions for Step 7 to continue on your exponential growth!
At the Magnate Step, you're focused on making sure your business makes money while you sleep. If you're wondering HOW you succeed, know that there are 7 Steps to becoming a profitable and impactful entrepreneur, and you're at Step 7 - which is a critical place to be! From now on, to build a powerful, profitable, and impactful business it's just a matter of following The 7 Steps of Online Success™, and as simple as following the yellow-brick road... or going from Ideator™ to Secret Agent™, Mad Scientist™, Rockstar™, Closer™, Conductor™, and finally arriving at Magnate™! |