WHAT SETS APART COACHES THAT MONETIZE FROM THOSE THAT STRUGGLE... What differentiates coaches that consistently bring on high paying clients and those that struggle month after month? Being a #MonetizedCoach, versus a HobbyCoach is the difference. So what exactly are these differences? Let's dive in, yes? A #MonetizedCoach has a profitability plan. That means they are building their business based on data, and KNOWING they have strong profitability potential behind their business. They don’t just hope things will work out, they build their business based on certainty and knowing as to how they plan on bringing in high paying clients. A HobbyCoach however just throws things at the wall, hoping one of the will work out. They bank purely on “hope strategy” and they come up empty-handed again and again, and wonder why. They didn’t know they needed to actually have a profitability plan in place. A #MonetizedCoach has irresistible offers. A #MonetizedCoach knows that what they are offering is sexy AF. They have taken the time to really solidify their pricing (based on xnpricing science), positioning, packaging, and branding of their offers. They know that when they present their offers, and yes, they have more than just one, people will be excited to work with them. A HobbyCoach however has (usually just) one offer. Their offer is usually underpriced, and has no evidence that it’s a winning offer. They go into each sales call with a feeling of dread in their stomach, just hoping this time the person they talk to will find value in their offer and hopefully, just hopefully say yes. A #MonetizedCoach looks like a million bucks. When people look at their social media presence, their website, offers, lead magnets, sales pages, their podcast, youtube channel, newsletter...whatever it is… the look good and they know it. A HobbyCoach on the other hand has no branding, or lackluster branding. People have no idea what they do, and sometimes their websites resemble something from the 1990s...They often think they need to pay thousands of dollars for someone to build their assets, not knowing that in today’s world it’s literally free (or crazy cheap) to look like a million bucks. They feel lost and alone in how to have their business look amazing and represent them powerfully. A #MonetizedCoach does sales as a system. They know their numbers, they know what to say on a sales call, they have sales goals, and sales is part of a system. A HobbyCoach has no consistency around their sales. No specific goals, metrics, numbers. Sales happen sporadically… and often they just don’t happen...which leads to no sales calls/presentations, and thus no new clients. and finally… A #MonetizedCoach is focused on tracking, metrics, and numbers. They know what success looks like based on numbers, not just hoping something will work.
A HobbyCoach has noooo idea what exactly is working and what isn’t. They just have gut feelings about most things, and have no clear understanding of their progress. Which one are you? If you’re ready to be a #MonetizedCoach holler because we’d love to support ya!! What was your biggest take away from this lesson? Luz & Matt, Monetization Sensei
Everyone has a million dollar idea...so what separates "great ideas" from actual success? I've heard this a many times from people in the business world: "I have a great idea, I just don't want to share because someone might steal my idea" The thing is...literally everybody, or at least a large majority of the world, is walking around with at least one "million dollar idea" in their mind... But that's the thing. It's in their mind. It doesn't exist. It's just a thought. Did you know that a "great idea" isn't even one of the necessary ingredients for a successful business? Nope. You don't need an "amazing idea" ...what you need, if you're trying to build a real business that consistently makes many thousands of dollars and allows you to pay for all of your necessities and some nice things...is a profitable idea and implementation of this idea. Look, just because you have a good idea doesn't mean you will turn it into a profitable business. It takes so much time, energy, and determination to get, even amazing ideas, off the ground and working. So no, unfortunately ideas are just not enough. Million dollar ideas are a dime a dozen. They aren't that special. Everyone has a great idea. What IS special, is the implementation of a great idea. That takes work, time, energy, dedication, staying in the ring after you feel tired, beaten down, people have said no, but you know you have a profitable idea and you're doing the work to make it profitable and successful. You've done the research, you have proof, before you start building, that this will make money. You're not waiting for perfection. So question for you: have you let yourself off the hook in terms of your effort because you have a "great idea" and that on its own makes you feel like you are winning on some level? OR Are you the people we see, that don't wait for a great idea, and instead FIND a profitable problem in the world and BECOME the person that can solve that problem for people, and thus end up building a profitable business...even if they started without the "perfect business idea" To win at this game, we need to not make it about us. It needs to be about SERVICE. If you make your work about service, you will bring on clients, you will make sales, and you will be one of those people with successful, profitable businesses, that may have started imperfectly but because they put in the time, energy, dedication, and effort it takes to grow a business, came out successful. Which one are you? Reply here to let me know what resonated with you about this, or tag me on an instagram story with your reaction, and we'll share with our audience! What was your biggest take away from this training? Catch the video below! Luz & Matt, Monetization Sensei Coaches, Stop Charging Low Prices!! (Especially If You're Just Getting Started) One of the most harmful things we see amongst new coaches is seeing them try to get a business off the ground that allows them to work full-time...while only having low ticket offers For the MAJORITY of coaches/ experts/consultants, this will not lead to building a profitable business within months, and being able to work full-time. So many of you want to leave the 9-5…and by focusing on low-ticket as you get your business off the ground you actually HURT your chances of being successful and profitable early on. Did you know that low-ticket, and even mid-ticket offers, are advanced and intermediate strategies? Did you know the best bet to grow a profitable business is to start focusing on organic efforts? Did you know that if you're having a hard time selling something over $1,000 with ease, that's usually because something more foundational is usually missing from your business? Learn more about why starting with a low ticket strategy as a beginner coach it’s not some thing we recommend at all by watching our newest training for coaches just like you (and make sure to subscribe)! Always here for ya, coach! Luz & Matt, Monetization Sensei You've Thought of Getting Support Around Your Coaching Business...but How Do You Decide What the Right Program is for You?We get it, it can feel so confusing to know what the right coaching program for you is. You have a unique background, expertise, and experiences, and things you look for in how you learn... In this training, we discuss the 3 things you must look for as you decide whether a coaching program is the right program for you 1. Social Proof - is there evidence of people like you (at your particular stage in your business growing journey) getting the results you're looking for? What does this mean? Someone that is already making $30K per month now making $90K per month isn't the same as someone who is coming in making just a few hundred now making $10K consistently. Going from $0 to $10K a month is especially tough for so many coaches, especially if they don't have a profitable niche defined. Are you just getting started? Then you need a mentor that has results getting beginners to start making money and bring in clients consistently. Ask about their track record with people like you before you invest in any program. 2. What are their values? For the most part, joining a coaching program is a longer term investment of money and time. You're going to be learning from this organization, and spending your precious time around them. Your business will be impacted by their values system, and you may or may not feel in alignment with them. You want to make sure to conduct a values alignment check before you start working with any organization. Basically, you want to ask: "do I trust them, do I want to spend my precious time with them and the people they bring on, and do I align with their mission statement" 3. Know Their Policies- What is their commitment to YOU, not just yours to them? Sometimes, especially working with big name gurus people will get caught up in the excitement of the program and the big name guru, but they won't have access to real feedback on their business, the feedback you'll get is cookie-cutter advice not specific to you and your industry, and you will see the results of enrolling in this kind of program. We have seen so many people that now work with us, invest in an initial program for tens-of-thousands of dollars, only to create a bunch of stuff...but still not consistently be making money. As we see it, that is unacceptable. Don't get enamored by the program, get enamored by what the program and the coaches and leadership will be able to support YOU specifically with. 4. Don't be a Bargain Hunter - you can shop for price, sign up for a course that is a few hundred dollars...but at the end of a few months you will probably (as show by the data of most courses) not have made that much more progress on your own. We encourage you to really sign up for programs where you get VALUE, and value really comes from hands-on support around your business, not some platitudes & generalities. If you look for and sign up for the cheapest program, you might end up with low quality results and support. Ask for what is the return on your investment? 5. BONUS: Pay for implementation support, not just information Look, for most of you you don't need more information...you need support around the implementation of the right strategies for your business. If you are paying for a program, most of the value really is in the implementation of your next steps...not really in learning more things. What was your biggest take away from this training? Catch the video below! Luz & Matt, Monetization Sensei |